Российские Новости


- Few Allergies in Unstressed Babies, Swedish Researchers Find
- Scientists Create First Atomic X-Ray Laser
- Astronomers Pinpoint Launch of 'Bullets' in a Black Hole's Jet
- Making Memories Last: Prion-Like Protein Plays Key Role in Storing Long-Term Memories
- Jawbone Found in England Is from the Earliest Known Modern Human in Northwestern Europe
- Solar Storm Seen from Inside and Outside Earth's Magnetosphere
- Predators Drive the Evolution of Poison Dart Frogs' Skin Patterns
- Mom's Love Good for Child's Brain
- Breakthrough in Treatment to Prevent Blindness
- New Lightning-Fast, Efficient Nanoscale Data Transmission
- Replacing Electricity With Light: First Physical 'Metatronic' Circuit Created
- Nano Funnel Used to Generate Extreme Ultraviolet Light Pulses
- Brown Liquor and Solar Cells to Provide Sustainable Electricity
- Lava Formations in Western U.S. Linked to Rip in Giant Slab of Earth
- 'Invisibility' Cloak Could Protect Buildings from Earthquakes
- Milky Way Image Reveals Detail of a Billion Stars
- Touching a Nerve: How Every Hair in Skin Feels Touch and How It All Gets to the Brain
- Discovery Uses 'Fracture Putty' to Repair Broken Bone in Days
- Effects of Environmental Toxicants Reach Down Through Generations
- New Comparison of Ocean Temperatures Reveals Rise Over the Last Century
- Icarus Experiment Measures Neutrino Speed: Even Neutrinos Are Not Faster Than Light
- How Granular Materials Become Solid: Discovery May Be Boon to Engineers, Manufacturers
- NASA Study Solves Case of Earth's 'Missing Energy'
- Planck All-Sky Images Show Cold Gas and Strange Haze in Milky Way Galaxy
- Nano Car Has Molecular 4-Wheel Drive: Smallest Electric Car in the World
- 'Robot Biologist' Solves Complex Problem from Scratch
- Blood Mystery Solved: Two New Blood Types Identified
- Rare Animal-Shaped Mounds Discovered in Peru
- Chinese Fossils Shed Light On Evolutionary Origin of Animals from Single-Cell Ancestors
- Leaping Lizards and Dinosaurs Inspire Robot Design
- Tiny Amounts of Alcohol Dramatically Extend a Worm's Life, but Why?
- Trees May Play Role in Electrifying the Atmosphere, Study Suggests
- Researchers Rewrite Textbook On Location of Brain's Speech Processing Center
- Solving the Mysteries of Short-Legged Neandertals
- New Theory Emerges for Where Some Fish Became Four-Limbed Creatures
- First Dogs Came from East Asia, Genetic Study Confirms
- When Continents Collide: New Twist to 50-Million-Year-Old Tale
- Sea Life 'Must Swim Faster to Survive' to Survive Climate Change
- Sunshade Geoengineering More Likely to Improve Global Food Security, Research Suggests
- Large Nest of Juvenile Dinosaurs, First of Their Genus Ever Found
- Cassini Spies Wave Rattling Jet Stream On Jupiter
- Entire Genome of Extinct Human Decoded from Fossil
- Nanofiber Breakthrough Holds Promise for Medicine and Microprocessors
- Early Evolution of Life: Study of Ribosome Evolution Challenges 'RNA World' Hypothesis
- Ancient Seagrass Holds Secrets of the Oldest Living Organism On Earth
- DNA Traces Cattle Back to a Small Herd Domesticated Around 10,500 Years Ago
- Comprehensive Picture of the Fate of Oil from Deepwater Horizon Spill
- New 'Biopsy in a Blood Test' to Detect Cancer
- Scientists Produce Eye Structures from Human Blood-Derived Stem Cells
- Fastest Wind from Stellar-Mass Black Hole
- Hubble Finds Quasars Acting as Gravitational Lenses
- Graphene Supercapacitor Holds Promise for Portable Electronics
- Generating Power from Salty Water: Unique Salt Allows Energy Production to Move Inland
- Materials for First Optical Fibers With High-Speed Electronic Function Are Developed
- Gene Therapy Boosts Brain Repair for Demyelinating Diseases
- Researchers Build Transparent, Super-Stretchy Skin-Like Sensor
- Beast With Four Tails: Milky Way Devouring Neighboring Dwarf Galaxies
- T. Rex's Killer Smile Revealed
- Master Controller of Memory Identified
- Biggest Ever Study Shows No Link Between Mobile Phone Use and Tumors
- Scientists Create First Free-Standing 3-D Cloak
- Extensive Taste Loss Found in Mammals: Feeding Preferences Shaped by Taste Receptors
- Vampire Star Reveals Its Secrets
- Do Black Holes Help Stars Form?
- Looking at the Man in the Moon: Astronomers Explain Why the Man in the Moon Faces Earth
- When Dinosaurs Roamed a Fiery Landscape
- Explosive Evolution Need Not Follow Mass Extinctions, Study of Ancient Zooplankton Finds
- Global Sea Level Rise: NASA Mission Takes Stock of Earth's Melting Land Ice
- Whiff of 'Love Hormone' Helps Monkeys Show a Little Kindness
- In Space and On Earth, Why Build It, When a Robot Can Build It for You?
- Picky Females Promote Diversity
- Venice Hasn't Stopped Sinking After All
- Sea Change Can Forecast South American Wildfires
- Analyses of a Tiny Comet Grain Dates Jupiter's Formation
- New Brain Connections Form in Clusters During Learning
- Born to Roar: Lions' and Tigers' Fearsome Roars Are Due to Their Unusual Vocal Cords
- Astronomers Detect Vast Amounts of Gas and Dust Around Black Hole in Early Universe
- Land Animals, Ecosystems Walloped After Permian Dieoff
- New Species of Ancient Crocodile Discovered; 'Sheildcroc' Was Ancestor of Today's Species
- Data Support Theory On Location of Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting
- Disappearing and Reappearing Superconductivity Surprises Scientists
- Building Blocks of Early Earth Survived Collision That Created Moon
- 'Junk DNA' Defines Differences Between Humans and Chimps
- Revisiting the 'Pillars of Creation'
- Heart Beats to the Rhythm of a Circadian Clock
- Jostling for Position: Competition at the Root of Diversity in Rainforests
- Mid-Atlantic Suburbs in U.S. Can Expect an Early Spring Thanks to the Heat of the Big City
- Young Stars Flicker Amidst Clouds of Gas and Dust
- Neither Birth nor Death Stops a Flock, New Theory Shows
- Surprise Finding Redraws 'Map' of Blood Cell Production
- A Planetary System from the Early Universe
- Ancient Stars Shed Light On the Prehistory of the Milky Way
- Ancient Fossil Remains Reveal Velociraptor's Last Meal
- Planet Population Is Plentiful: Planets Around Stars Are the Rule Rather Than the Exception
- Early Earth May Have Been Prone to Deep Freezes, Study Finds
- Greenhouse Gas Index Continues to Climb
- Scientists Prove Plausibility of New Pathway to Life's Chemical Building Blocks
- Greenland Ice Sheet May Melt Completely With 1.6 Degrees of Global Warming
- Most Distant Dwarf Galaxy Detected
- How Genes Organize the Surface of the Brain
- Pristine Reptile Fossil Holds New Information About Aquatic Adaptations
- Graphene Electronics Moves Into a Third Dimension
- Oil from Deepwater Horizon Disaster Entered Food Chain in the Gulf of Mexico
- Plant-Eating Dinosaur Discovered in Antarctica
- Does Antimatter Weigh More, Less or the Same as Matter?
- Evidence Stacks Up That Monolith at Gardom's Edge Is Astronomically Aligned
- Genetic Survey of Endangered Antarctic Blue Whales Shows Surprising Diversity
- Off Switch for Pain? Chemists Build Light-Controlled Neural Inhibitor

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0 98 2012-12-20 01:24:31  Кирил
0 30 2012-12-20 01:24:17  Кирил
0 25 2012-12-20 01:23:55  Кирил
0 27 2012-12-20 01:22:35  Кирил
0 24 2012-12-20 01:21:18  Кирил
0 21 2012-12-20 01:21:00  Кирил
0 26 2012-12-20 01:20:42  Кирил
0 25 2012-12-20 01:20:28  Кирил
0 23 2012-12-20 01:20:07  Кирил
0 28 2012-12-20 01:19:49  Кирил
0 40 2012-12-20 01:19:31  Кирил
0 25 2012-12-20 01:19:11  Кирил
0 50 2012-12-20 01:18:57  Кирил
0 23 2012-12-20 01:18:39  Кирил
0 25 2012-12-20 01:18:02  Кирил
0 22 2012-12-20 01:17:12  Кирил
0 30 2012-12-20 01:16:56  Кирил
0 33 2012-12-20 01:16:06  Кирил

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